Friday 12 March 2021

Demi Lovato for 'Glamour' US | March 2021 | Discusses drug addiction recovery.

Demi Lovato says she is open to the idea of alcohol and weed in the future, but is now adamant she's cut out hard drugs from her life following her near fatal overdose. Seems like she's trying to rationalize by replacing one addiction with another. Part of addiction recovery is when addicts find a substitute for their main addiction. I'm not going to judge someone on how they choose to deal with their sobriety, because I have never been in her shoes. However, I hope she knows what she's doing and hopefully her journey towards getting well is a successful one.

Check out her 'Glamour' cover story in full here.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! This is helpful post. This article is clear and with lots of useful information.
