Saturday 13 March 2021

Bennifer 2.0?

As Jennifer Lopez engagement ring collection grows longer (thanks to her split from Alex Rodriguez), questions mount as to what type of man she will end up with next. She's dated dancers, actors, singers, rappers and athletes. But she has yet to add 'politician' to her resume. 

Maybe a politician would not work simply because she's a classic narcissist. She prides herself in being in a power couple media frenzy relationship. A politician that wants to be respected would not only want a lowkey romance, he would reject all the bells and whistles associated with dating her. He would not want to be papped so regularly on a daily basis. Ben Affleck is also single again and a lot of people are rooting for their reunion which I find quite odd. The drinking and gambling addiction would be hard for her to ignore given that she has children now. And no high profile woman with self respect would even contemplate it anyway. J.Lo had him when he was kind of still in his prime during those days where he still looked good. Now he's a bloated wreck still fighting with demons. Sounds like a re-visitation to hell if ya ask me! Maybe Jen will snag herself a new boo in time for the July 4th celebrations but as to who... we will just have to wait and see!


  1. Whoa, what is up with your disdain for Jennifer?

  2. Did you see the post she put up of her daughter crying on Marc Anthony over the split? She is an attention seeking narc of a mother. It was very weird of her to post something like that. Some things should be kept private.

  3. I just find it harsh that the same claims made against Meghan Markle being a self-serving, narcissistic woman, which are clearly racist, sexist, and cruel, being applied to another woman. Piers Morgan is a douche for his behavior, and I’m loving all of your posts about it. This just felt so out of character and I love your blog. But we’re entitled to how we all feel so I just disagree with this impression.

  4. I'm sorry you feel that way, but is it harsh if those things are true?

  5. I just feel the double standard of rightly and importantly criticizing the media bias about Meghan being self-serving and narcissistic, but embracing that same media narrative when it comes to Jennifer. People feel the things they say about Meghan are very true, yet they are tearing her down in such an unjustifiable way. People bashing Meghan very much believe it’s true, and that doesn’t make okay. I’m over the bashing of women and so maybe we just don’t see eye to eye.

  6. My opinions are always based on observation, NOT by the media. Just needed to clarify that. Secondly, some of her antics in the past are enough for ANYONE to side eye those actions, like the PR stunt she pulled with Drake a few years ago. The Meghan situation is a completely different narrative. But if she pulled those same antics (as a mom at that), then yes, I would call her out on it just as I would with anyone else (i.e. Madonna being a prime example).

  7. I agree with you Toya, I always feel like all of Jlo s relationships are always a way to keep her brand in the news. I did however think this one was gonna stick, seeing how supportive and enamored he was with her.. Was Wendy right and will she eventually end up with Marc? Lol
