Wednesday 3 February 2021

Tidbits; starring Normani, Rita Ora, Britney Spears & Beyoncé.

When clapbacks go wrong... 
Normani made a fabulous comeback to social media earlier today after a long hiatus. She started trending on Twitter after generating some buzz. A fan (that had not tagged her) quoted a meme to compliment her, and she wrongly took it as shade (screenshot). 

For those not understanding, the original meme shows a girl standing next to a horse. But because the girl looks so damn good, no one notices it isn’t a damn zebra. The fan was referencing this meme below.

Someone must have told Normani about the meme because she promptly deleted the tweet. And that's another thing, if that tweet didn't tag her, does she go around searching negative tweets about herself and randomly respond to them? Sadly, all the (racist) abuse she's encountered on social media in the past has caused her to become paranoid and guarded. 
It probably explains why she's hardly ever active on the platform in the first place. Le-sigh.

More jobs for Rita Ora?! How Sway?!

Earlier this week, Rita Ora was intercepted by Australian police the moment she stepped off the plane. She found herself escorted to her hotel for two weeks of forced quarantine (YouTube footage). The singer, who is there to film for her role on 'The Voice,' will reportedly not be allowed to leave her hotel room for the 14-day quarantine period. All meals will be brought to her door by room service. The REAL question is how is she still getting booked for gigs when she has received so much negative press over the last couple of months (and lost endorsements along the way too). 

We will never forget double denim-gate...
I doubt Britney Spears will be losing any sleep over her ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake still having nightmares about their matchy denim ensembles from 2001. Not when a documentary entitled 'Framing Britney Spears' will be the talk of the town after it airs this Friday. Her former assistant Felicia Culotta is speaking out!

With Super Bowl weekend coming up, may I remind ya'll that... 

Eight years ago today, Beyoncé announced the Mrs Carter Show World Tour right after her iconic Super Bowl performance. This was one of the best tours I have ever been to in my life. One of my biggest regrets in life was not seeing Michael Jackson in concert. I was super young when he went on his last tour, which I believe was HiSTory. But I am glad I got to see Beyoncé live and close (our seats were bomb ass!) She was amazing in every sense of the word. Let's see how many of us will be running to YouTube to relive her SB performance after The Weeknd (pun intended).


  1. I think Normani is beautiful & I like her & her brand just as she & it is. I just want to decide on if I like her music without being bullied into liking it because of the "colorism" police. We loved Brandy, Missy Elliot & Lauryn Hill's music because we LOVED it, not to because of "isms". Can we form an opinion on her music without being "strong armed" by "woke" social media activists?

    I only know 1 Rita Ora song but she stay getting work like Nicole Scherzinger

    Also Toya, I think during Coronavirus & with the rise of Verzuz battles,touring wise, no artists stock has gone up like Beyoncè's. I think Beyoncè & probably P!nk will be 2 of the most in high demand touring artist & I expect them to do U2/Rolling Stones level numbers, if & when we get out of this pandemic & back to touring & attending concerts.

  2. Pink and Bey are both fantastic performers. You're right. They are already high in demand, and after this pandemic passes... let's just say if you've found it extremely hard to get tickets for their shows (especially really good tickets)... then you've seen nothing yet. 😭😭😭😭😭
