Thursday 18 February 2021

Gorilla Glue girl Tessica Brown has big plans to break into Hollywood. her A-list celebrity management team to extend her 15 minutes. She previously stated she no longer wanted the attention, even expressing regret at posting the very video that went viral. Now she has a whole management team and trying to pitch reality shows just from putting Gorilla glue in her hair. Sadly, she's not going to achieve anything in Hollywood except to become a bigger joke than what she is now.


  1. You don't know that, she may get a reality show. They told Kim Kardashian she was never going to make it in Hollywood & she would never grace vogue... Kim did all of that with a sextape & let's not play the race card...

  2. Idk Toya...ppl get famous and rich for no reason nor talent at all these days! Look at Kim! 😩😂

  3. If I'm wrong I'll eat my words. But she has no personality and comes across as very inarticulate in interviews so how she'll carry a whole reality show (that has actual entertainment value) is something I would like to see for myself.

  4. The difference is Kim had lots of money. This girl does not. Kim could associate with fellow celebs/ rich people she grew up with. This woman can only call over to her friend Shawnece down the street. It ain't happening for her. But good luck to her as she tries to stretch these 15 minutes.
