Wednesday 13 January 2021

Azealia Banks body shames Doja Cat...

Taking to Instagram on Tuesday, controversial rapper Azealia Banks, went on a body shaming rampage yet again.
Banks, who made headlines yesterday for cooking her dead cat, commented on Doja Cat’s “cellulite” while watching her 'Juicy' music video. 

In the past, she has body shamed the likes of Rihanna, Lizzo and more recently Lana Del Rey. Has she seen Doja's body now though? 
Chick has toned up, lost weight and looks marvellous. Even in that video, her body still looked great. Is this woman going to spend her entire existence putting down other women who are much more successful than her? This woman's downfall has been a pitiful catastrophe to watch over the years. Just sad all around. 

1 comment:

  1. Wish people would stop giving her attention-seeking the platforms it craves to survive.
