Sunday 15 November 2020

Wendy Williams: "The Weeknd is a boring performer." #SuperBowl

Wendy Williams
is catching backlash for criticising the NFL's choice to have The Weeknd headline the Super Bowl Halftime show. She says he's not exciting. 

Yet... he's allowed to perform alone with “sad, sappy music” she argues, while two high energy acts - Jennifer Lopez and Shakira - had to share the 15-minute slot between them. 

She didn't tell any lies. Abel is not a Super Bowl halftime performer like Micheal Jackson, Prince, Beyoncé, and Bruno Mars. People want the spectacle, the entertainment. As an artist, he is so low energy. His moody music does not appeal to a large variety of people, and he doesn't dance. This is looking to be a very depressing, snoozefest affair. I hope he can prove me wrong though. Maybe he'll have Ariana Grande as a guest performer?


  1. I love The Weeknd, but Wendy is right. Hell, they might had Mariah Carey perform if they wanted someone that was going to sit there. I’d even go for Alicia Keys. In concert, she actually tries to move (dance) a little.

  2. You're right about Alicia. I saw her in concert 7 years ago and you'd expect her to be boring, but she surprised me! Her show was awesome. And if she did the Super Bowl, I know that she'd make a huge effort to entertain audiences.
