Monday 23 November 2020

Tinashe reflects on 'Songs For You' on 1 year anniversary

Watching Tinashe fight with her record label in real time sure was a whole lot of fun! 

She publicly criticised RCA for prioritising other artists over herself, blasted them for forcing her to record music she couldn't connect with, and for also forcing her to collaborate with artists she didn't want to. She even went as far as leaking her own music when they relentlessly kept delaying the release of her album. 

These are things you do when you've had enough and want to get dropped. If anyone was looking career sabotage dead in the eye it was certainly Tinashe. Yet, she departed the major label so that she could release 'Songs For You,' independently. And that she did. The number of music videos she filmed were a sign that this woman was never giving up. Saturday was the exact day she released the project marking its 1 year anniversary. Check out her reflection posts below.