Monday 2 November 2020

More from Beyoncé's Vogue feature...

Beyoncé's Vogue interview is finally out, and it seems a sista is going use every chance she gets to remind us that she owns her masters. 

"Owning my films, clothing lines, and masters is important to me. Your songs, your image and the way you conduct business do not have to be created from a commercial point of view, or a male point of view. You can decide what success looks like for yourself. Being number one does not mean better quality. And commercial success certainly doesn’t equate to being impactful. Cultural currency is invaluable." 

Whether success can be quantified or not, Beyoncé wasn’t saying this until her records stopped going to number one. She has the longevity to back it up, but a lot of artists with her talent weren't as fortunate. Without her commercial success, Beyoncé would not have had the privilege and ability to own her masters and brand. This alone makes her very impactful. The more powerful an entity you are in the industry, the bigger the rewards. Elsewhere in the interview, Bey talks family, fashion and philanthropy. 

You can read the entire interview here. Check out her three covers for British Vogue, if you missed it.


  1. I knew Beyonce was a STAR the first time I heard no no no remix on the radio. I had no idea who she was or how she looked but her vocal runs & rap singing caught my attention...

  2. I disagree Toya. She's been saying that she didn't care for #1 singles since her interview with Trevor Nelson in 2003, & that was when Crazy In Love was #1 ��, so she's been very consistent with this mindset for 17 years.
