Wednesday 11 November 2020

Mariah Carey | 'Underneath The Stars' video premiere coming soon.

Low and behold, Mariah Carey's once "lost" music video for 'Underneath The Stars' will officially premiere on her YouTube channel this Friday at 9am ET! 

How the hell does someone lose a music video? Surely someone as big as Mariah Carey who was at a career high in 1996 couldn't be so incompetent? What exactly is the backstory behind this video being in limbo for 25 years? Most likely scenario is that Sony were gearing up to release this as the second single from 'Daydream.' They then scrapped it for 'One Sweet Day' as it was more relatable to many and had more commercial appeal. Boyz II Men were also in their prime back then too.  

Early Christmas gift? More like stale turkey, but I hope the Lamily enjoys it.


  1. I really appeciate all that Mariah is doing for her lambs. Other artists should take notes. I'm not a lamb, but def a fan. Read the book and kinda liked it. Even though she kept a lot of things to herself. After the drama with Tommy, she just raced through the rest. Too bad. Have you read it Toya?

  2. I haven't got round to it yet but I will. Over the Xmas I am just going to binge through it in one sitting. Yeah, I've heard there are a lot of things she didn't talk about that people would have preferred. There isn't as much shock value as people would have liked except the part about her mum's neglect and the sister trying to pimp her out. And those tidbits were already widely publicised before the book came out. Regardless I am still going to give it a read.

  3. No trust me there were some really cool things in there that I never realised. And after reading the book you're whole perspective on some of her songs change. I never realized how personal some of the songs were aside from the obvious personal songs that we know like Outside, Can take that away , close my eyes etc etc.

    Yeah she did not mention the bi-polar issue, but I also feel maybe she was not ready for that , that is sooo personal and maybe still fresh for her since she only revealed that to us les than 2 years ago. I'm sure there is gonna be a second book with time, she will reveal more. She's in no hurry and probably wants to keep something to herself.
