Tuesday 3 November 2020

Doja Cat's clapback game over pandemic parties #horrible

Doja Cat, who previously tested positive for coronavirus, has cussed out her fans on social media for criticising her attendance at Kendall Jenner's Halloween-themed birthday party. She spent months trying to clean up her reputation after the recent Tinychat scandal, and now all that has probably gone to sh*t. 

Doja probably thought it was cool and edgy and meme-worthy to come at her fans like that. Unfortunately, it only made her look like the biggest [inset c-word here.] Covid testing is very accessible for celebs whereas the average person has to wait to show symptoms to get a test. My mum is a key worker (in the vulnerable category), and had to wait ages to get a test during the first lockdown. This was in the midst of the testing scandal that went on in the UK six months ago. People have died, lost their jobs and had to adapt to a new normal. Of course social distancing to save lives is more important than attending super spreader events. However, not everyone's actions can be policed. The best thing to do is control YOUR OWN ACTIONS to keep yourself (and others) safe. The party would have been overlooked at some point anyway, but now it's Doja's reaction that folks are MORE upset about. It was just so uncalled for and rude. 

Doja pictured at the party, which sparked criticism:

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