Sunday 18 October 2020

Ariana Grande is releasing another album again. *sigh*

Ariana Grande’s website teases two countdown clocks under the title 'Positions.' A single is due October 23rd, with the album expected to follow on October 30th. 

Ariana announced on Twitter this week that her sixth studio album will be out “this month.” Girl is vocally talented, but she produces albums way too fast for them to have any depth. Seems she is fearful of losing relevance and popularity. 

Scooter Braun wants to milk that popularity. So the world gets more microwave music from Ari on an annual basis (or in some cases six months). As usual, she'll be parading around this Lolita imagery, while continuing her consistency with big releases every year to avoid losing the hype of her peak. Word has it this album will be very sex-themed (hint: 'Positions'). People are crying about it because 90% of her fanbase are minors. It doesn't matter that the woman is pushing 30, or that she's released sexually-fuelled songs previously. It's a bad bitch move if she's aiming to shake off the Nickelodeon crowd and attract a more mature audience. Maybe she would take it a step further by releasing sex toys as 'Positions' merch.


  1. Hmmm Toya...Rihanna did the same thing🌝! Also, the newer generation likes everything fast anyway.

  2. I know she did and I would be like noooo. But as you say if that's what the fans want...

  3. I agree rihanna did the same thing every year in November...

  4. I like her but I get you're saying Toya. She's really trying to get out of the Nickelodeon shadow but her last 2 albums was her going in the right direction. I just hope she doesn't go overboard with the "edgy" shit like Miley Cyrus did(ie: her 2013 VMA performance))
