Monday 26 October 2020

Adele's SNL gig brings in high ratings but backlash looms...

Seems folks were really curious to get a three dimensional view of Adele's new weight loss, because Saturday Night Live scored 5.0 million viewers! That's with a 2.4 in the key demo. 

An average SNL episode pulls in around 4 million. So this is major! But good news is often overridden with backlash. Adele is currently receiving criticism for the Africa skit that she participated in during the show. The skit shows Adele and her co-star fantasizing over Africa and thirsting over black men. People have the right to be offended because crass humour isn't for everyone. But an interesting question that should be asked is... are those same folks going in on her also going to condemn the black men that participated in the skit too or...?

1 comment:

  1. I wasnt offended, I think it was the funniest skit because she kept cracking up. SNL has really been writing bad skits though this season, Issa Rae s episode was soo boring I execpected much more
