Monday 20 July 2020

Congrats to Nicki Minaj on her first pregnancy (official)...

Nicki Minaj and her husband are officially expecting a baby. It's lovely when a woman can finally fulfill her dream of becoming a mother, as she's wanted this for so long. This will be her first child. I won't tarnish this post with any PETTY remarks because babies are a blessing. So I will just say congrats and wish her a very healthy pregnancy.

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  1. Shade,lol!

    But lets wish her well, this has been her dream. Im glad she gets to be a mom.

  2. I hope she and the baby's father have already figured out what to say to that kid when she/he asks about his/her father being a registered sexual offender.

  3. You didnt go there Toyah but I will... I feel sorry for the child. Imagine learning your dad is a convicted/registered sex offender and your mother never spoke out against and actually defended your convicted pedophile uncle.

    Nicki is in a position of power and privilege and so imagine what kinda message this sends out to other women...

  4. I agree with y’all. But you know what... I'm tired 😫

  5. This is not her first pregnancy
