Saturday 20 June 2020

Tinashe: "My pop music wasn't embraced because I'm black."

Tinashe says she attempted pop music, but the general public didn't embrace it because she's black. Well...

Remember when Rihanna's label tried to market her as an urban/dancehall artist? That didn't work out so well, and she was on the verge of being dropped. LA Reid insisted she sings pop music instead, and she blew up after that. Her biggest hits have mostly been pop songs and she is now one of the main pop girls to have achieved unprecedented success. Also take into account that those were different times, and the music industry has changed a lot since then. In Tinashe's case, bad management and lackluster music was the main factor, which is a shame. She is beautiful and talented and definitely deserved a bigger career.


  1. Her pop tunes were cute.....however her fan base was built due to her moody alt r&b she was doing indie way before she got signed. For some reason she lost her most of her fans when she was signed despite staying true to herself while delivering “label songs” and they really didn’t know how to market her.

  2. Toya is right. Most of her music was bland but she's such a beautiful girl that, I think alone sustained her for a good while. She did make some good R&B records.
