Sunday 17 May 2020

Lady Gaga refuses to pay hackers $42 million ransom.

It's quite fascinating to learn that Lady Gaga's VMAs performance' for 'Applause' allegedly had a budget of over $500K.

She's probably had way better performances for much less. And as harmless as this little detail may be, this came about after her files were leaked online by hackers. Her legal team have refused to pay the hackers a $42 million ransom in exchange for 756 GB of stolen data that they say they now possess.

They are also threatening to expose Donald Trump next, but I think that's what most people are waiting for. The leaking of contracts sent to producers, collaborators, and members of her touring ensemble, promotional and confidentiality agreements, video, tour and performance budgets aren't exactly breaking the internet. But whatever we may find out about Trump could prove far more sinister.

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