Monday 18 May 2020

Brandy says Monica turned down Verzuz battle.

At first I thought Brandy was tripping, when she said she wouldn't really be interested in doing a Verzuz battle with Monica. But now it appears the tables have turned.

Monica may have had her reservations but she certainly didn't shut it down completely. Now Brandy says Monica doesn’t want to do it during an Instagram Live interview with Atlanta’s V103. Even though I think Brandy would have won this battle (more mainstream with a more eclectic catalog), I believe this would have been a great way for these two ladies to reconnect.

Jill Scott and Erykah Badu just had a record-breaking Verzuz (peaking at 750K viewers), and theirs could have been quite impactful as well. I know they don't speak any more, so this wouldn't be about upping one another (in a fun way of course). It would be about ending an unnecessary feud and bringing a whole community together to reminisce the times when music was timeless, and theirs was.

Cue to 5:20:


  1. I think it’s mad disgusting that none of you bloggers would even take the time to go to Monica’s very LAST post on instagram and see that she just lost her uncle who raised her, not only that he was MURDERED! I doubt that she’s worried about a verzes right now. Not only that your incorrect when you say brandy would have won due to a “mainstream catalogue “, sweety this is not the 90s. Monica stayed consistent and relevant during the 00’s & 2010’s, Brandy did not so stop it.

  2. Toya is allowed to have an dont need to attack her own point of view with words like "mad disgusting" and "stop it". Followed this blog for over a decade and Toya has been consistent, fair and truly about love for the music for OVER TEN YEARS. Let's keep our community warm & loving and not be so "ready to fight". Thank you Toya for your consistency even in the good and bad times of your personal life. You're gold!

  3. I didn't know that about her uncle. If I did, I'd have said something. If I came across insensitive, it was never intentional.
