Tuesday 7 April 2020

Toni Braxton is back with her first single in two years, 'Do It.' ♫♫

Toni Braxton's new song 'Do It' puts emphasis on being in an unhealthy relationship. As countries lock down and the world goes into quarantine, domestic abuse rises worldwide.

Confinement and movement restrictions are making violence against women by their partners more frequent. Sadly, a song like this (as beautiful as it is) currently hits close to home for many. This sultry ballad is classic Toni Braxton, and I love it. 'Secrets' is one of my favourite R&B albums of all time, and this song could easily have been lifted right from it. She co-wrote it with her long term collaborator Babyface, which explains the classic overtones. Come through, Ms Braxton.


  1. It pains me to say I can't get into it. She sounds good but the lyrics are too simple. Do what you need to do, do it, do it... nah, it lacks creativity and energy. But I'm happy she's making music and will be waiting on the next release 💕

  2. I love it and it’s catchy I know she will be serving more heat with the album...This is a cute intro
