Tuesday 14 April 2020

No refunds for postponed concerts, which may not return until Fall 2021

"Large-scale gatherings such as conferences, sport events, and live concerts won’t be safe to attend until 'fall 2021 at the earliest." 

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, healthcare expert Zeke Emanuel serves up a major low blow to concert loving fans. He announces to NY Times that concerts may not return until Fall 2021.

This revelation comes after the controversial news that Ticketmaster have quietly changed their refund policy to no longer refunding postponed shows. Refunds are only available if the concert gets cancelled.

Fans are fuming about their money being held hostage often with no rescheduled dates in sight. And then there's the issue of not being able to attend a new date. You'd lose out on your money completely. Ticketmaster are complete and utter savages. They'd better be prepared for the onslaught of lawsuits coming their way.

On the other hand... if the artists cared about their fans (and not their love of money), they would just cancel these shows and announce the new dates as soon as this pandemic officially ends. If concerts won't return until next year, this would seem like the right thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely vile on Ticketmaster's part, and I really do hope they get sued until they go bankrupt.
