Wednesday 25 March 2020

Today's a good day to love Britney Spears.

Comrade Britney Spears shares an Instagram post calling for general strike and redistribution of wealth.

I’ve always loved Britney Spears but today is especially a good day to love Britney Spears. This woman basically said general strike because she’s a disabled woman in a guardianship who has no control over her finances. #FreeBritney. Oh, and now's a good time to listen to some Britney albums during this quarantine. Which one gets rotation love today? 'Blackout' or 'In The Zone'?

While others are choosing to do TikTok videos, Britney is offering to help those struggling with getting essential items and saying they can dm her on Instagram for financial support during quarantine:

Check out this Britney post calling for a socialist uprising:

A post shared by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on