Friday 1 November 2019

Beyoncé expects "Black & Brown" people from London to work UNPAID.

Someone's feeling a little cheap
Beyoncé's casting team are reportedly calling for 'black and brown' people in London to participate in a video shoot for her new single 'Brown Skin Girl.' She wants ethnic minorities of different cultures, nationalities, genders and ages to take part in an UNPAID two-day video shoot. Also wanted are various family structures including 'blended, single parent, queer and adopted.' A variety of body shapes and ages, from as young as six months to the elderly are very much desired. Trained actors and dancers are also being scouted. Apparently, shooting started yesterday in London, where members of her team were spotted near the local prison in Thameside. Jenn Nkiru, from Peckham, is directing the video after previously working with Beyoncé and Jay on 'Apesh*t.' The song, which references Naomi Campbell and Lupita Nyong'o, celebrates the beauty of brown-skinned black women and is lifted from her curated soundtrack, 'The Lion King: The Gift.'


The real question that needs to be asked is why is the video coming out super late?! It hasn’t even been made, and the song dropped in the summer. Also... the movie came out almost 4 months ago. The moves Bey has been making with her music career lately have not been smart ones to be honest. I know when she's ready for the next era she will get her act together but as of now this isn't IT. Secondly... I don't like the idea that people won't be paid for their time. I guess "black and brown" women don't need money, because they are "normal" people who don't have bills to pay or children to feed. Would she allow Blue Ivy and the rest of her kids to work for free once they become of age? Unpaid work is probably only acceptable if it's a college internship or a school work placement. In which case, that is compulsory over here in the UK.

I had to go on one when I was 15, and even then, these unpaid placements have their exploitative measures put in place. I remember being assigned to work in a care home back in those days. And I'm being given this tour guide by one of the managers, who is telling ME, a skinny 15-year-old black kid, that I had to break my back to assist old people to sit on a toilet and wipe their ass. And this was in a residence that had no black people. I don't think that bothered me so much. It was the heavy duty work I was expected to do EQUALLY to those that were actually getting paid. Can you imagine them ordering me around to constantly clean someone's sh*t after they had an accident while they sat back and laughed? Oh no, Celia has just pooed herself. No worries, let that young intern clean it instead! I went home and bawled to my mum and told her I couldn't do it. So that was scrapped, and the school sorted me out with a shop placement with Miss Selfridges. That one was right up my alley because I had a part time job at Asda and every time I got paid I would go in there and buy my clothes. That store alongside Top Shop to me was what Miss Guided and Pretty Little Thing are today.

Soooo... unpaid work can be good sometimes but not if it exploits people, and I think this is the case here. Even extras for low budget movies and shows get paid. Video shoots are long and tiresome and people should be paid for their time. She once notoriously said in a song that her and Jay were "a billion dollars in the elevator." This is what happens when you brag about your money. People will hold you to that standard. You're part of a billionaire family and should be able to compensate people fairly for their time.