Wednesday 23 October 2019

Nicki Minaj is now officially a married woman.

Nicki Minaj is a grown woman. She can do what she wants. When Nicki went public last year with her relationship with Kenneth 'Zoo' Petty, a lot of eyebrows were raised. Dude is not your typical Prince Charming. Petty has a very chequered criminal past, and she knew this. Yet, she still proceeded with a quickie engagement and now a marriage. A marriage which took place on Monday (October 21st.) Nicki announced their marriage on Instagram, which means she is now officially placed on babywatch. Previously, she has stated they plan to start a family. A family. Babies. Cherry on top. The haste in marriage is definitely motivated by Nicki's strong desire to fall pregnant. I mean, let's face it... at 37, there are definitely some time constraints, and the sooner she falls pregnant, the better. 

Her decisions are questioned highly. But this is the choice she has made. She seems happy with it. So on that note, I wish her a very happy marriage and beautiful transition into future motherhood.