Wednesday 9 October 2019

Apparently, Britney Spears could take a 10-year break before returning to the stage...

Heat magazine suggests Britney Spears could take a 10-year break before returning to the stage. An unidentified source claims, “Britney’s made the decision to take a long break from performing. Of course, it was an extremely tough decision, because she loves being onstage and adores her fans, but she also knows it’s a necessary step.”

There's no way Britney will be performing in 10 years time. In 10 years time, Britney will be pushing 50. During performances, she moves around like a zombified, 90-year-old pensioner and will lipsync to vocals recorded by her 16-year-old self. Her stage presence lacks the confidence, energy and sparkle that once made her an unstoppable force. That fiery hardcore passion is gone. Her eyes are dead. She is clearly pressurised into working. People want to bleed money out of her while they still can. But has anyone ever asked her the important question of what she wants? Has anyone ever said to her that if she wants to retire she should? Britney fans are calling bullshit on the story, but it is not exactly farfetched. Britney has been posting cryptic messages on social media about taking a lengthy hiatus, but I won't be surprised if this becomes indefinite.