Sunday 8 September 2019

Britney Spears makes a joke that she's "crazy"...

Britney Spears has been going through the motions lately. A few months ago, she checked into a psychiatric facility after suffering from emotional distress (her father almost died prior to suffering a ruptured colon last year.) She partially lost custody of her sons recently. Both of her sons were granted a temporary restraining order against her dad because he allegedly abused one of them. The investigation into said abuse lead to him stepping down as her conservator. So can you imagine how strained her relationship would be with her dad? Fans have expressed concern when she shared a post on social media yesterday that read, "All the good ones are a little crazy." She captioned the shot, "How good am I ???" After that post, she shared a video of herself (below) posing in front of a mirror while rocking different dresses and a black wig. Once again, that post had fans wondering if she's okay, or if it's her way of dealing with whatever it is she's going through. Some think it's just Brit being her light-hearted self, while others are convinced she has actually lost the plot. All things considering, it's definitely an interesting topic for Britney to joke about.

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