Tuesday 24 September 2019

Beyoncé: “My daughter is a cultural icon...”

Beyoncé's trademark war with wedding planner Veronica Morales just got nasty. In 2007, Bey had put in a bid to trademark 'Blue Ivy Carter,' but Morales says her wedding planning company also named Blue Ivy had already existed. Apparently, the company was launched three years before Beyoncé’s daughter was born. Now both women are set to battle it out when the case goes to trial. In newly-filed court documents, obtained by The Blast, Beyoncé argues her case for being granted the trademark. Beyoncé accuses Morales of harassing her throughout the dispute. Bey claims the wedding planner also benefited from using her daughter's name to attract business. Bey says: 

“Blue Ivy Carter is a cultural icon who has been described as a ‘mini style star’ and has been celebrated for her ‘fashion moments’ over the years. Her life and activities are followed extensively by the media and the public. Most significantly, Blue Ivy Carter has achieved a significant amount of fame, particularly at such a young age. She also has a noted and well-chronicled interest in fashion. Given these factors, Blue Ivy Carter is capable of and interested in becoming the face of a brand.” 
So I'm going to look at this from BOTH perspectives. Wouldn't you be pissed if an A-list celebrity was fighting you over something that you've always had the rights to? You wouldn't just hand over the reigns unless there was a financial agreement of sorts. Bey claims Morales offered to sell her company to her for $10 million, which Morales denies. But this is pocket change to BILLIONAIRE Beyoncé. If she wanted the trademark that bad, $10 million is a small price to pay as opposed to ridiculing someone's company that had already existed (Bey argues that Morales runs a “small business, with just three regional offices and a handful of employees.” Bey also claims said business has weak online presence and poorly-subscribed social media accounts.) *crickets* Yes, I'm playing devil's advocate here. 

Now looking at it from Bey's perspective... if I were in her shoes, then yes, I'd play dirty as well. That's what you have to do to get what you want in life and she's certainly learnt that from her snakey daddy, the best of the best! I would use ALL of my power, fame, wealth, resources AND influence to win my case. But I'd probably go the settlement route first, making a lower offer of $5 million ($5 million lower than the alleged asking price, as you're Beyoncé the one with control, plus $5 million is nothing to scoff at. Most of us could actually live on that for life.) The only thing is... Bey has a lot of haters. People are just going to see her statement as (even more) narcissistic, given that her daughter only gets the attention she does simply because of WHO her parents are, and not what she's contributed to the  fashion world.