Thursday 5 February 2015

Madonna premieres 'Living For Love' video...

The red Matador vs Minotaur concept for Madonna's 'Living For Love' video was simple yet effective. So was her aim to get fans on Snapchat to view it, this being home to a reported 200 million users. It just makes you wonder what she has in store for her confirmed February 8th Grammy and February 25th Brit Award performances. It's easy not to feel too bad that her new album ‘Rebel Heart’ leaked months before its March release. She's been acting crass lately (some people should not be on social media).

Plus, she is going to make a raking with the album's assisting tour. 'MDNA' underperformed but she had one of the highest grossing tours prior to that release. 

Video was directed by French duo Julien Choquart and Camille Hirigoyen: