I'm screaming at Jessie J's meet and greet only being $7.98.
I actually spent close to that on a KFC bargain bucket for the family the other day. So, following predicted sales of a lackluster 25K and a very expensive promo blowout, this is what trying to sell albums has now come down to for poor Jessie J. Oh dear.
Consumers are given the chance to purchase her recently released album 'Sweet Talker' for just $7.98 by 11:59PM ET on October 19th. As of writing, Stateside folk have little under four hours to get their orders in. Once the album is purchased, consumers will have the opportunity to get a photo with Jessie at a secret holiday event in Los Angeles (on December 4th) or New York City (on December 13th). Event space is limited and on a first come, first serve basis. Event location and details will be provided on November 19th. If only it were THAT easy (and cheap) to snag a meet and greet with an artist like Beyoncé or Rihanna. Never in a million years!