Friday 5 September 2014

Chris Brown's Billboard photoshoot; opens up about jail + Rihanna...

In an exclusive interview with Billboard magazine, Chris Brown opens up about life behind bars, his mistakes, his redemption, his relationship with Rihanna and whether he considers himself a role model. 

Chris says people will stop bringing up his relationship with Rihanna when they're not relevant anymore. Or when he stops stalking her.

For as long as Rihanna remains one of today's top premiere pop acts in the industry, her relevancy isn't going to die anytime soon. HIS relevancy on the other hand, is still debatable. His upcoming new album 'X', drops September 16th. Check out more excerpts and the entire photoshoot below.

On whether his past with ex-girlfriend Rihanna won’t be brought up:
“When we’re not relevant anymore, that might be the case. As long as you’re doing something good, people will always bring up old stuff or negative stuff because they don’t want you to surpass a certain level or elevate. But as long as you have your head on straight, it shouldn’t matter what people want to say.”
On being a role model:
“I’ve gone through more stuff than most 35- or 40-year-olds, and I’ve dealt with it. As far as becoming a man in the public eye, continuing to persevere and stay positive throughout trials and tribulations…that’s the only thing I’d say contributes to my being a role model. If kids look up to me, that’s amazing; great. As far as me as an artist and a person, I always want to exude positivity. But as far as saying, ‘Hey, I’m a role model, I’m the best of this,’ I take the humble approach and let people make that decision for themselves.”
On the outcome of his D.C. assault case:
“I just feel positive about life in general. Whatever happens will happen, and God has me. I’m going to keep my faith and be focused on my family, friends, fans and music. And from there just be the best Chris Brown I can be.”
For the full interview, click on
