Tuesday 5 August 2014

These two are so divorcing...

Unless you've been living under a rock, you'd have heard by now that Beyoncé and Jay Z are divorcing. You'd have heard about Jay Z being unfaithful, their online counseling, and the two staying in separate hotels during their 'On The Run' tour.
You'd have heard about Beyoncé going apartment hunting 'on the sly' and their lawyers, HBO executives and concert promoters having crisis meetings due to the fear of their Paris tour dates being cancelled. And this is just scratching the surface prior to Solange's attack on Jay Z in an elevator a few months ago.

The couple, often known to shut down rumours through strategically placed images, put on the display of love and affection the other night with a passionate kiss on stage. Of course they could be putting on a front to paper over the cracks or... their marriage could simply be just that, a marriage that is as strong as ever. Personally, I think their display of affection is genuine. Okay, maybe they play it up a bit for the cameras but still genuine. Their marriage simply isn't going anywhere regardless of what you may read.