Rita Ora "devastated" after Calvin Harris allegedly blocks her from performing hit song...

Following today's report that ex-boyfriend Calvin Harris blocked her from performing 'I Will Never Let You Down' at Teen Choice Awards, Rita Ora expressed her devastation to fans promising to make it up to them. 

I didn't believe it at first because it came from DM and I just couldn't believe someone could be so spiteful after a split. Then she sent out a cryptic tweet which kind of backs up the story. There has to be some missing blanks or something happened recently because I thought they split on friendly terms.

Calvin didn't come across as bitter when he sent out that break-up announcement on Twitter. The Scottish DJ/Producer wrote and produced the song so it's most likely he has full rights to it. Therefore, Rita may not be able to perform it anymore despite the song going to #1 in the UK. His alleged blackballing involved Rita being forced to drop the other songs he produced for her upcoming album due to him not allowing her to use them. Not sure how true all this is, but there's a reason why it is strongly recommended not to mix business with pleasure.