Monday 4 August 2014

Nicki Minaj talks Beyoncé & ‘Flawless’ remix’...

Speaking to Miss Info on Hot 97, Nicki Minaj goes into detail about that much talked about 'Flawless' remix with Beyoncé and how it all came about. When Bey reached out, she encouraged the rapper to “be you and don’t hold back.”  
Nicki also admitted that she was starting to feel a collaboration between them would never happen, but luckily their stars aligned and a kick ass female record came into existence.

She explains:
"A month or two ago, Jay called me while I was on my way to Vegas and he said 'Beyonce wants you to remix Flawless' and after I got proper medical help and started breathing again, I said 'Well…' She sent me a version and told me, ‘I want you to be you, I don’t want you to hold back, I just want you to be you and do you.' I recorded the verse in New York and she stopped by the studio and was such a sweetheart. She was hyping me up, saying 'do you thing! Go in!' I’ve been just waiting for her to drop it. She told me that she would drop it while she was on tour, I wrote the verse before she went on tour. I’ve been sending her pictures of myself and we’ve gone back and forth about the single art and now you have it."
I like the booth-inspired artwork as it has a lot of charisma and they're not taking themselves too seriously. The actual song itself was clearly what Beyoncé's lead dancer Ashley Everett meant when she said Bey addresses the rumours in her art. Clapback Bey really snapped! So hard that she OUT-RAPPED Nicki Minaj.
Who'd have thought eh?