Lana Del Rey's new music video for 'West Coast' surfaces a tad bit early...

Leaking one day a head of schedule, Lana Del Rey's new music video for the breezy-vintage 'West Coast' is now out. 

Before she's combusted in flames, Lana frolicks on a beach with her young lover during day and snuggles in a convertible with a pensioner during night. In the largely black and white clip, Bradley Soileau, her on-screen lover in the 'Born to Die' and 'Blue Jeans' visuals, plays one of her beach companions. It's all pretty dreary but doesn't stray too far from the vintage music videos we've grown accustomed to (Lana's trademark). 

To date, the song has peaked at #17 on the Billboard Hot 100 and serves as the lead single from her upcoming third studio album 'Ultraviolence' (due June 2nd). The official VEVO premiere will be up tomorrow so until then, this will do. 
