Monday 6 January 2014

Rihanna confirms collaboration with Shakira...

Shakira is a smart woman. Oh, she clearly wants her first single to be a hit, but then what artist wouldn't want their first lead single to be a hit? It's no wonder she has teamed up with golden chart wonder Rihanna for that very first lead single. I mean, her latest song with Eminem is currently #1 for a fourth week on the Billboard Hot 100 and she has already achieved 13 number #1's throughout her short career.

Shakira's song with Rihanna is called 'Can’t Remember To Forget' and Rihanna confirms on Twitter that their duet will premiere by January 13th. Shakira shot the music video for it last month. My only gripe is that Rihanna's vocals are distinctive enough as it is, so to have Shakira's wolfish vocals paired with Rihanna's may be a bit much to the ears. Either way, roll on, next week, suckas!