Sunday 12 January 2014

Lady Gaga explains why she doesn't listen to critics...

An angry fan went in on an article which gave five reasons for why Lady Gaga's new album 'ARTPOP' is a massive commercial failure. Reasons cited? 1. New technology. 2. Album is too long. 3. This one's not for the kids. 4. Crowded market. 5. This isn't the same Gaga the public bought in 2011.Writer Ezra Dulis points out that Gaga's album has become a commercial flop for the history books, prior to opening week sales being down 75% from the debut of 2011's 'Born This Way'. It is also noted that sales dropped 81% in the second week. When this article was brought to Gaga's attention last night, Gaga started to explain why she doesn't listen to those very critics.

"Would you critic a dance show if you were not yourself a dancer? Would you critic an English paper if you did not speak English?" she asks. Back in August when she was in the thick of a nasty feud with celebrity blogger Perez Hilton, she tweeted, "Don't focus on ANY blogger criticism. I have been a producer/songwriter/musician for over 10 years. Trust the artist bloggers are not critics. The fans + music scholars are the best critics because they know the artist intimately". So many contradictions huh? Oh, and I believe the word is 'critique'. Sounds like someone is not handling constructive criticism very well and that's what's becoming scary.