Thursday 9 January 2014

Beyoncé photobombs a drunk chick...

If two women gatecrashed YOUR private karaoke party, you'd be pretty pissed right? But that anger may be put aside if it turned out to be Beyoncé and Kelly Rowland, because it's not everyday a global superstar gatecrashes your party. Now if we attempted to do that to her, skurry ass Julius would have grabbed us by the scruff of our necks and hauled us the fuck OUT.

Bey and Jay Z reportedly arrived at Sing Sing Karaoke in Miami close to midnight on Tuesday for an impromptu karaoke session with Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams. Bey and Kelly checked into one of the other rooms, which had a group of girls who were there for six hours, singing and drinking Miami Long Islands. They walked in to find the girls singing Beyoncé’s 'Party' and gave the girls the biggest shock of their lives. Beyoncé and Kelly posed for photos with the girls and even photo bombed one chick who was passed out on the couch.

How lucky are these bitches?!?!